The jadeberg (snow squall off the ice shelf), 2012 - 2014
acrylic on canvas
91 x 304 cm

2014 - AGNSW Wynne Prize finalist

The jadeberg (snow squall of the ice shelf) is an amalgamated seascape done from numerous studies that I painted in Antarctica in the Antarctic summer of 2011. I attempt to show the immense grandeur of this frozen wilderness.

The compositional problems are similar to painting mountains, the palette of blues being modulated and warmed by white, burnt sienna and Payne’s gray, infected by the greens.

In a landscape that can change from calm frigid sunlight to howling sleet and snow, a degree of imagination and invention is mandatory to convey the overall impression.

- Tim Storrier, 2014

Art Gallery of NSW


The Member, Dr Sir Leslie Colin Patterson KCB AO, 2014


The Histrionic Wayfarer (after Bosch), 2012